Failte Ireland 2022 Business Supports


Failte Ireland have recently updated their National Supports Calendar and advised that the following are the most relevant online support webinars for ICC members.


Recruiting Students: Insights from Education Providers

Fáilte Ireland invites you to this webinar as part of our Series of 4 Webinars on Recruiting College Students to help you target students to fill your seasonal vacancies. The series runs over 22nd, 25th, 26th and 28th April (click here for Webinar dates for other Education Colleges represented areas)


3rd  May:  Climate Action: Introduction to Energy Mgt for Tourism with SEAI

9th May:   Digital: Driving Sales through Unpaid Channels

10th May: Digital: Using Google Ads to Drive Demand

12th May: CRM and Database Management

23rd May: Marketing on a Shoestring for Micro Tourism Businesses

26th May: Driving Sales though Paid Digital Channels


Click on the link below for further information and any of the Programme titles below will redirect you to the Fáilte Ireland Trade Portal

National Schedule Information Slides ICCC April 2022