Irish Caravan & Camping Council Conference & Exhibition 2023

The Irish Caravan & Camping Council will hold its Annual Conference and Exhibition at the Shamrock Lodge Hotel in Athlone on the 14th & 15th of November 2023.

Day 1 will be a visit to member sites followed by a dinner at the hotel.

Day 2 will feature a workshop by Failte Ireland, Health and Safety update, Guest speakers and Exhibition stands followed by dinner and entertainment.


Why should you join this Event?

Networking: Meet Industry colleagues to share challenges and opportunities

Great Speakers: Be informed and inspired by industry leaders.

Great Exhibitors: Learn about new products and meet with industry suppliers



To book contact : Aideen Flynn, Secretary – Irish Caravan & Camping Council    email:


Conference Programme

Tuesday 14th November

Visit member sites

12.30pm              –Lakeside Holiday Park, Mountshannon

3.00pm                 – Lough Ree East Caravan and Camping

8pm                       – Dinner at Shamrock Lodge Hotel,


Wednesday 15th November

9am to 9.30am – Registration of delegates

9am                       – Exhibition area open to delegates

  FBD Insurances, EasyGo EV, BillGenie, United Laundry, Argos Fire, Graf Ireland Environmental Ltd

Morning Session

9.30am                 – Welcome address by Mark Knowles, Chairman, Irish Caravan & Camping Council


9.40 am                – Brief introduction of Exhibitors & their products/services


10.00am              – Update on Fáilte Ireland activities, Tara Kerry, Fáilte Ireland


10.30am              –Fáilte Ireland Workshop – Michael Williamson – Managing operating costs in your business 

  • Using management information to better understand the costs, cost management and impacts on your business
  • Tactics to address high costs – utilities, insurance, staffing and purchasing
  • Managing T&Cs
  • Be familiar with range of tools and supports available from Fáilte Ireland to help you manage costs


11.30am              <<< Tea/Coffee break >>>


12.00am              –Neil Rogers, Phoenix STS – Health & Safety Compliance for Caravan & Camping Parks,


1.00pm                – Lunch

Exhibition area open to delegates

Afternoon Session

2.30pm                 – Eoghan O’Mara Walsh, CEO, Irish Tourism Industry Confederation


3.00pm                 –Monica MacLaverty, Manager Southern Europe, Tourism Ireland


3.45pm                  <<< Tea/Coffee break >>>


4.00pm                 –Catriona Walsh- OSD, -Camping Ireland Digital Marketing.


4.45pm                 –Closing address


7.15pm                 – Drinks Reception

Speaker- Brian Hanley, CEO, Alliance for Insurance Reform


8.00pm                 – Dinner Shamrock Lodge Hotel,


Our Guest Speakers

Brian Hanley, CEO, Alliance for Insurance Reform
Monica MacLaverty, Manager Southern Europe, Tourism Ireland
Eoghan O’Mara Walsh, CEO, Irish Tourism Industry Confederation
Tara Kerry, Fáilte Ireland




Michael Williamson,
ASM Chartered Accountants
Catriona Walsh- OSD Digital Marketing
Neil Rogers, Phoenix STS

























Exhibitors & their products/services


FBD Insurances
Graf Ireland Environmental Ltd
Argos Fire